
Friday, June 21, 2019

::Women in Leadership::

Being a Woman is serious business these days. The expectations and "bar" have been raised more than ever before. We have to be strong for our families and relationships. We have to be bad-ass examples for the women around us. We have to be inspirational and amazing as the women before us. We have to be sensitive but assertive. We are criticized for everything and every scrutiny is visible. We have to be humble and let things go. And, we have to be stone cold and easy going.  Once you become a leader there are constant check-list of goals that we need to achieve and do to be successful. And, guess what you are human too. You get tired, your feelings get hurt and you become overwhelmed. Find women who "have it all together" but really don't. Is so refreshing to me.  Knowing that I am not the only one who fails at life daily, and who doesn't always win, because we are human and "stuff" happens. That's where my motivation comes from and where real success happens. 

I attend many conferences and event that recognize and present awards to local women in leadership who have changed the face of their industry or paved the way for women within industries that are sometimes "male-dominated".  Their stories are always encouraging and definitely add value, life and energy to the other women in the room. They share the struggles they had to overcome, never giving up and moving forward in spite of the dispositions. As women, they pushed through their circumstances and constantly have risen above the nay-sayers. None of them ever suggest that their success has come easy. Surely we can learn from their examples but I don't think they are ever expecting to be one day recognized for simply doing their jobs and working towards success. The women are always humble and so deserving of the recognition and accolades to their accomplishments.

One of the speakers I remember is Dr. Virginia Parras (not pictured here) from a Women's event with Ford last year; she spoke about growing up with a father, "who thought the woman's place was in the home... except for her...she'd be different." The recollection of her experiences though they have come with many obstacles were lighthearted and filled with bravery. She stood up for herself, overcame a "man's world" in my areas of her life and obtained a higher education along the way.  She told a story about her first experience in the US as a young trick-or-treater scared to ring on the doorbells of strangers home to collect candy. What would happen? What would she achieve? Once she did it the first time and received candy, and then another and another, she realized; one, America isn't so bad and two simply "ring the bell" to reveal what's on the other side. It became the motto of her life. As women, we should simply "ring the bell", take the risks and leap forward!

If we just seek out that opportunity awaiting us on the other side, we might just reveal the talents we have within. 

Virginia rang many bells and figured out her true strengths, value and talents she held with every new door that opened. Her story is a motivating one for young career driven women who just want to reach their goals an potentials.  Along the way she faced many adversaries as most Latina women do, but she knew that regardless of what anyone thought, she had already crossed the threshold of so many doors, that nothing could stop her.

While following the footsteps of great women like Virginia can be intimidating we should use that energy to seek our strength and propel forward in the most unimaginable ways!

The generations to come are waiting for us. 

Let's be women of courage and bravery so that leadership can excel amongst us!

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