Tuesday, December 31, 2013

#HoustonLatinas ::360:: Link-Up {New Year's Eve} Party!!

Hello All!

We would love for you to join us as we remember 2013 in the most fitting way! We are hosting our first ever Houston Latina Bloggers Link-Up party!!

Your hostesses are myself and Jihane from over at Onix.J

The ::360:: Link-Up is simple we have 2 rules:

1. Add our button somewhere on your post;

Houston Latina Bloggers

2. Use the Houston Latina Bloggers hash-tag when sharing; #HoustonLatinas

Post Content should be anything related to reviewing 2013 in a full circle ::360::, New Year's resolutions, or how you remembered/celebrated/honored 2013! 

You have from now until Wednesday at Midnight to link-up! 

NOW GO ON! Link-Up!!

::360:: From 2013 to 2014 #HoustonLatinas

First off, I can't even believe it's December and 2014 will be here in a few hours!

Where to begin?

Looking back at 2013, I can't complain.  My Hubby and I continue to grow as individuals and as a couple, he claims this Blog makes him {and us as a family) seem "perfect". Ha. He must not read all the way through when he comes to visit.  This year has allowed us to grow as parents and as a family which are the areas that I believe matter so much right now.

Definitely, we try more and more to be better people to the outside world {when possible, life is filled with so many obstacles that this is not always possible}.

It was a difficult year with some dark moments but also filled with Blessings. We could not have done it without a lot of support along the way from my family and my Husband's {usually my Momma and Dad, my Sister and his, his two younger Cousins and my In-Law's}. They have all been there for us from start to finish and in very BIG ways!

This time last year I didn't have a job, I was trying the whole Stay@Home thing. At the time it was a Blessing. My Husband's Grandmother fell gravely ill and during that time my Mother-in-Law spent a lot of time at the Hospital and with her Momma {She used to help us watch our little ones}. So, I am glad I was home and able to take over caring for my children while she was extremely busy...still is.

January through March/April were very difficult months filled with many financial dilemmas as well as personal family tribulations. We got by on prayers and hope. In the end all things work themselves out.

My beautiful Cami turned 2 in March ::excuse me as I ball my eyes out:: 2 years old, my lovely sweet little Diva. She is truly a sweet soul but don't catch her on a bad day, the terrible two comes out in her. She is my heart. Along with making great family memories on her birthday; we took a lot of pictures and oh boy, those pictures opened my eyes to a whole new personal battle that I had to start dealing with.

My weight. {A whole post on it's own} I was 183 lbs. It didn't look healthy and I decided to change my lifestyle. No more overeating and oversleeping. No more depressive moods and unhappy thoughts. Instead I took on a positive and pro-active approach and started doing my own little thing. Eating better, taking Nopalinaza {which I will explain in another post} and making delicious GREEN smoothies and fasting for faith-filled purposes. {Results have been slow but good none-the-less, I am down 15 lbs and counting.}

In May, I obtained a full-time job after 8 LONG months at home. A job which I posted about ::here::, it's a TRUE Blessing and I am VERY thankful for it. {BTW, I will never really discuss my job or reveal the company I work for unless I leave there, it's a very conscious decision.} I have a position where I can help support my family and maintain stability in our lives. Today our schedules are tight but I love the up's and down's of my life as a working Momma.

This Summer was a  good one, I turned 32 {June} and my Hubby turned 34 {August} we got to visit my family in Mexico and South Texas, finally after almost 5 years. We loved it. Going back home to South Texas was a good refresher and allowed me to expose my children to a life left behind. My childhood was a rough one but I always have good memories of my primos and all the amazing food and culture we grew up with!

In September by first born turned 4 ::excuse me as I ball my eyes out::  4 years old. He is such a little man. His charisma and beautiful sunshine just gives me so much joy. Which was a great celebration for the month. He had a blast. I also realized this month that I was no longer 183 lbs but 172 lbs. An amazing feeling! The pictures tell it all.

October was a busy month I am sure.

November hit us like a ton of bricks. My Uncle, who was the head of our family passed away from the worse disease I have seen eat away at a person. It wasn't easy. Life goes on, or we attempt to live a "back-to-normal" like life. Too soon to say much but one day I will finish the post about him. One that is fitting to his life and honor his time here with us.

Now the ::360:: December. Full circle of this year. Filled with celebrations and gifts. I wrote about Posadas and our traditions ::here::...and ::here::

So, what's next.....


What do I want for this new year? More peace. More stability financially and mentally. More faith. More time to help others. Lessons worth learning. A life worth living {we create this everyday with our choices and attitude}.

What will I do different? Probably everything because as each year passes I learn and grow and decide that life isn't meant to be perfect or exactly followed, just to be lived. I do want to enjoy more family time without being so paranoid of what could go wrong and more date nights with my Hubby. {Which last year in December my Hubby made his New Year resolution to take me out on more dates, I think he did an amazing job and we had a great year filled with love and arguments but we are happy.}

Ok, NOW YOU!? What do you remember most about 2013? What will you change for 2014?

Monday, December 9, 2013


A while back I set out to find my "Dream Job", because despite what my situation is right now, I have faith that, that place is still out there for me. I have since found a job. A good job but not what I would consider ideal. I know, "Connie you are so picky and such a non-conformist!" Trust me, I often question my own credibility. I wonder if maybe it's true, it's not the environment but rather me, who has a problem. I am never happy, so my Hubby says.

Is that such a bad thing? 

I mean really. I have been to so many places and  I have come so far. I went to college. Should be, 'nuff said. But, then there is this long history of paid work and un-paid work or volunteering. I mean. Not to toot my own horn, but I have been told that my background is pretty darn impressive and I am proud of that. As a Woman, as a Mexican-American and now as a Momma; I am very proud of my education and work history. Even my un-successful time as a Stay-at-Home-Momma which I failed at miserably, but that's a whole other post in itself. Trust me when I say..having kids and staying home is NOT for everyone! Yes, it has it's rewards and pro's but still not for everyone.

So, in further seeking I continue on this path of applications and interviews. And, I am once again haunted by that question; where do you see yourself in 5 years? Which to me translates into what is the perfect job for you and what do you want from this current situation? As one person put it; "I want to sit on a beach and drink margarita's all day and get paid for it." Really, come on, who the heck wouldn't but since that may or may not be an option for me I am not only determined but involved in seeking that perfect job, that perfect place. Just the other day I had an interview; when the manager spoke to me, she had LIFE.  When someone has true passion and purpose, you can see it in their face through their determination. You can hear it in their voice through their story and their words. And, they inspire you to do more and motivate you to live beyond what you think is normal.

That is where I see myself in 5 years. I challenge myself to live beyond what I think is normal and fitting not only for my well-being, financial stability and mental growth but what I deem a position that my children can look up to and be proud of. Yes, they should and can be proud of my accomplishments until now but I am not a conformist remember. I don't like to settle. I never have. If I did, I wouldn't have left a small town in 1999, to become a city girl. If I did I would have allowed the stereotypes and what-if's to consume me.  If I settled I wouldn't be a home-owner and drive an SUV. {Not bragging, just sayin'... Si se puede!} And, because I have SO much more to prove not to anyone but myself, I seek.

That passion. That job. And, that determination.

What about you? Are you a constant seeker? I know I am.