This month was the March of Dimes, to learn of how many children die at birth or soon after is heart breaking. I have determined to stay focused and become more involved. Not just for my son’s sake but for other people’s children as well. I also become interested in researching Autism, which is more prevalent in boys than girls, one of every 70 boys is diagnosed yearly in the US. Having a son, a nephew and my husband’s baby cousin all born within months of each other makes me worry and become concerned as to what we can do to be aware and open to what may or may not happen. Regardless of the closeness of this disorder I plan to make some change and gain knowledge. [Autism Speaks]
This month has just been very hectic for our home, a lot of change and a lot that Santiago will have experience ALL before the age of 1. It’s really exciting to see him gain wisdom as he waves Good-bye, knows that’s he NOT suppose to be doing something and still does it, and even vocalizes now MA-MA, NE-NE, NO-NO. Not sure that he really knows that I am the MA-MA, he is the NE-NE, and that NO-NO means NO-NO, HA. Either way he is really in my head learning more than he should and keeping up with the best of them. He loves PEOPLE, he LOVES girls, and he LOVES his cousin Olin! He smiles and gets really excited at first sight, he knows that there is another baby in the house not sure how much he knows that this other baby is just as important as him but he loves him! He LOVES taking baths and he loves songs and stories. He has a love/hate relationship with his almost life size Elmo. Who just this weekend scared the day light out of him and I am not sure how long it will take for them to reconcile. He is starting to feel some separation anxiety but mostly once he has been at his Grandma’s all day and catches a glimpse of me when I come to pick him up. Other than that, today is Day 2 of dropping him off at his Grandmother’s house early and once we get there and he sees his Grandparents…he forgets I exist! It’s when I come back to pick him up that he wishes we were attached at this hip! He loves his Aunts and Uncles, my husband’s cousins, who he sees almost on a daily basis, like Erica, Danielle and Eric, and although he doesn’t see him often he LOVES his Tio Pepe! This month seems like it has been a long one, I am sure so much more has happened but at this point it’s in our memories as moment of pure joy and excitement and we cannot be MORE BLESSED than we are today! The Lord has definitely dropped a HUGE Joy Bomb (Toby Mac fans, you know what I mean!) in our lives! We are Blessed and happy, our little family of 3!!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:5-6 New Living TranslationHighlights:
• Santiago’s two lower front teeth came through.
• He attended his first sporting event… not professional but his Auntie’s all women’s football league first football game in Houston!
• He now crawls, only in soft areas, NOT our living room, we have hard tile floors!
• He is pulling himself up and standing mostly in his playpen and crib, soon I think he will learn to climb out!
• He is gaining some self confidence and takes very uneasy steps, no real walking yet but soon I hope.
• His is vocalizing now, “saying” things like MA-MA, NO-NO, NE-NE and agua.
• He LOVES to play with his Grandparents.
• He is VERY spoiled by EVERYONE.
• He is very, very good at sleeping at night now, pretty much through the night, out at 10pm up at 6:30am.
• That he looooves his banana puffs!
• That he LOVES girls, he even pretend coughed in church to get a girl to notice him…I know. Trouble!
• That he loves food, he will taste EVERYTHING once and pretty much likes it all. We are hoping he will be a HUGE Veggie and Fruit eater, because we are starting to learn the problems of kids eating un-healthy food, but it will start at home.
• Everyday holds and new and exciting discovery for him, he knows that there are no limits and loves to explore!
• He has discovered that opening cabinets and pulling chairs is “fun”.
• He also loves his Dad. Everything his dad does amazes him and HE can do NO wrong!
• Fears of my child being harmed.
• Fears of my child being sick or diagnosed with some type of illness.
• Fears of SIDS.
[But, God is with us and He will only allows us to experience what He knows we can handle, and it’s always better to be informed and know that things do happen and that at times you cannot be there to prevent them BUT the more you know and are ready for every situation the better. BUT I know GOD will NOT leave us or forsake us!]
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:25-27 New International Version
• Separation Anxiety
• Not getting his way and throwing fits
• Hitting
• Being bored
• Having to wake up early to be taken to his place of daily care, his GranMa’s house
• Being easily scared by new objects, such as stuffed animals and toys that move; i.e. Elmo. Ha.
Height: 26 inches (Same as before, until next Dr’s visit)
Weight: 21 lbs. (Same as before, until next Dr’s visit)
Next doctor’s visit: June for his NINE MONTH check up.
What to look forward to:
• We still have a pending Photo Shoot so I can’t wait to compare photos from when he was 6 weeks to now.
• His Baptism.
• His first time on an AIRPLANE!
• Visiting his Daddy at his Internship site.
• His first Birthday!!! Only 4 months away.
"A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world." John 16:21 (NIV)
Ricardo Updates:
Ricardo is VERY excited and already on his first day of learning, absorbing and retaining. He is and has been in good spirits after a rough first day..we all have bad days we can't allow the enemy to steal our joy and I pray that Ricardo can see that! I have been lifting him up in prayer since before he left and pray that he continues to rely on God for his support and not on man.
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." Colossians 3: 1-4 (Today’s NIV)
Many GREAT things are going to happen because he has been patient and understanding! He is a GREAT man and I love him SO much!
He is a very strong and focused person. He doesn't lose sight of his purpose. And he is a Godly Father and Husband. I LOVE HIM. 

Job 42:2 (New Living Translation) 2 “I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you.
1 comment:
Wow ...Santi changed lots though. He knows lots of stuffs now huh! Cool! Take some pix with his first 2 teeth, please !!!
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