Sorrows {Without them I'd have no need to fall to my knees and be reminded of WHY I am here...of WHO my purpose is.}
Smiles {My kids have some of the best ones...see for yourself!}
Speech Courses {Without them, I wouldn't be reminded of how much I am needed and depended on as a Wife.}
Pain {It just brings everything into perspective. Really it does.}
"Like-Minded Women" {I am going through a lot right now and having these ladies in my life makes things all the more enjoyable!}
What are you Thankful for this week?
Great post, Connie. I loved the sorrow one. It's sad, but true that we tend to fall and stay on our knees longer and more fervently when we are filled with sorrow or despair. I am thankful that the Lord pulled me through the last year and that my son is healthy.
what a good list this week... you are so right about sorrow and pain... sometimes it's hard to remember to actually be thankful for those things... and like-minded women... couldn't make it through without them.
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