Dear Friday Letter,
They like you! They really like you!!!
Dear Friday,
Thank you for being here. You are the last one of this year.... I am ready for this week to be over. Just a little anxious for 2013..no offense 2012...but honestly.... you are in the past...You gave me an AMAZING year but your time is up.
Thank you for the memories....see you next Friday in 2013!!!! ::insert happy dance here::
Dear Me,
THIS IS IT. Your time to shine!!!! 2012 was great but 2013 will be better!!! Don't give up. Remember that your FAMILY, the people who sit with you on Friday night and hold your hand on Sunday morning those are the people you are working with to make this life amazing!!!! God is with you every single step of the way so let's do this!!! NO fears. No worries. JUST MOVE ON. Move forward. Pray. Love. & laugh more often...your Hubby is really funny!!! Remember though to slow down. Take time to hug and kiss your little ones they will never be this little again. Tell your Momma and Dad how much you love them, and appreciate EVERYTHING that they have done for you and given you in life. EVERYTHING. Remind your siblings that you LOVE them, you started this life with them and you need them.
Love you.
P.S. The weight. I promise it will come off....but what if we get preggers again...we shall see. God will know. :)
Dear Life,
Hmmm, reevaluating you right now. So be warned!
To new beginnings.
Dear Hubby,
Thank you so much for my new camera! I abso-love it. You are the absolute best!!! It came just in time we have a whole new year ahead of us and I can't wait to start taking pictures of EVERYTHING we do!!! I will put my camera to good use!
Love you bunches!!!!
Dear kids,
You guys are great. It's been fun this week being home with both of you. I get the best of both worlds and you know what..it's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Thank you for making my life complete. We start a new year together in a few days...all I can say it, I love you. A lot.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
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