{Dear Friday}.... this is going to be the longest weekend of my life. It's been a long week and very stressful..lots of pressure. But, we shall see... my future will be determined on Monday... ::taking one big deep breath:: and moving on....
{Dear Husband,} Your support and hugs this week were SO helpful. In the midst of the storm... your faith in me shines like no other... Thank You.
{Dear Kids,} Thank you for loving me despite my imperfections.....
{Dear Blog,} I promise lots of good posts coming up! Did you like your make-over? Because I loved it! Thank you to Ms. Olivia Smith for doing an awesome job! If anyone else is interested, let me know! I can get you connected to awesome-ness!
{P.S. Dear Friday} No offense BUT CAN IT MONDAY!!!!!! I am so anxious! My stomach is in knots and I yeah, I need it to be Monday!
{Dear House,} You look like a tornado hit! I promise I will get my act together this weekend.. MAYBE! Ha.
{Dear Blog Readers and Facebook friends!} Thank you/Gracias for being here! I appreciate your support and daily reminder of why I love to share and tell others about my experiences.
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