He is "Sgrong!"

And, when he is not out fighting evil and squashing the bad guy he is at home reeking havoc on his 2 year old Sister {or destroying toys and making a mess}! Ha. Trust me when no one is looking he is sweet, he takes care of us and he helps out and prays for everything possible and in sight. Deep down inside my Super Hero is a softy, aren't they all?
His Super Powers are awesome hugs and killer dimples! No one gets past him without saying "Hi" or complimenting his beautiful heart which shines through his smile and bright eyes! The ladies will one day be in trouble, and at that time, so will I.

No matter what, his little Sister Loves him so much. She is his faithful sidekick. And, even though she may not see it now he is teaching her to be strong and to stand up for herself. She looks up to him and wants to be just like him. And, oh boy, is everyday a new adventure with him, something new awaiting us around every corner. ::insert super awesome Super Hero theme song here::
On this day....we were looking for the bad guy and reviving all the animals. This Super Hero loves animals and learning about them. He has a genuine interest for animals and this planet, I think he will one day become a Scientist or Geologist!

My Super Hero may be a little stubborn but he means well and he always has a secret move in mind to make it through the situation. In this house we always listen to our Super Hero, he knows what's best for man kind!

Until next time....
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