{Hola Friday!} This week has been a productive one, compared to last week this week was GREAT! Ha.
{Hello Exercise} It's been a while old friend.... we shall see how long we can stay connected... You and I we have a Love/Hate relationship. Being healthy is important to me, so don't mess it up this time. Just sayin'!
{Dear Weekend} WAIT FOR IT.... Ha. Ha. We will be busy!
{Dear Kids} I love you. We had a good week. I can't complain and I don't think you can either. I know that some days our activities are "lame" but trust me you have a blast no matter what! This week we went to he bookstore... it was good but I think it will get better... Next stop a Public Library! OH MY!
{Dear Hubby} Thank you for being so good to me. For putting up with my crazy ideas and going along with them. For always supporting me no matter how silly the situation, or expensive, even though you throw a fit first. HA. But, you are there for me. I love you.
{Dear Houston Weather} Are you kidding me? Is it cold or hot? Spring or Summer? Can you make up your mind?!
Happy Weekend Ya'll!
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