It takes a lot of energy makers, like rest and a ton of GREEN TEA and Vitamin B-12, to finally days later get back on track! Haha. It's life, age is age, we stay active and being tired is well, inevitable. Every weekend we say, "this weekend we will rest!" Then some really cool opportunity or idea pops up and we just must GO!
Team Gomez on the GO!
What was the point?
Oh yes, two weekends ago was Good Friday, Cami's 2nd Birthday and then Easter! SO, recovery took a little bit longer than a Monday and took me all week! Then, I had tickets to attend a great event this past weekend and well we just couldn't pass it up! So, here we are in recovery mode ONCE more, haha.
What our last few weekends have looked like {Enjoy!}:

Loved meeting you and your beautiful daughter today. Even more thrilling to read your blog, and know the woman behind the blog.
XOXO, Mandi @ All My Happy Endings
Thank you Mandi!!! It was so great to meet you too!!! Thanks for your sweet comment!!! :D Hope you check out our Mom Expo giveaway!
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