Thursday, August 11, 2011

{Thankful Thursdays} LINK UP!

This week I am most Thankful for:

Garage SALES {This week my Aunt came over, a chronic garage sale hostess, and she almost cleared out ALL of the things I didn't want in my cluttered was great!}

A Listening Ear {This week, I have had so much, SO MUCH on my mind and God has given me so MANY wonderful listening ears, who don't mind it...because in return, I listen to's a win win situation. Really it is.}

Decisions {They are good. They are difficult. They are life changing. I don't like them, but secretly I crave them. They remind me that Thankfully, I have options. Options are not always a bad thing... I think.}

{And every week, every day, every minute, every second; I am Thankful for my Hubby, my Children, my Parents, my Siblings, extended Family {mine and my Husbands}, Friends and people who inspire motion!} 


Jamie Kubeczka said...

Great list.. I love garage sales too! Thanks for linking up this week and have a great weekend!

Vivian said...

I never looked at "listening ears" as something to be grateful for. Thank you for the reminder.

Connie Leon said...

Thank You Ladies for this GREAT GREAT opportunity! I am glad to have it reminds me to be forever THANKFUL!!!

black tag diaries said...

fabulous list this week! love garage sales... i'm on the hunt for a chest of drawers right now myself. so, so, so glad you've joined in on thursdays... reading everyone's posts always reminds me to be thankful for the little things:)