This week I am most Thankful for:
{Communication} Various sorts and modes of communication; verbal, written, phone calls, text messages, emails, Facebook wall post, blogs, events, presentations, meetings, etc. etc. It's so important to be able to keep in touch, to speak to others {even if it's not in person}, to convey your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Hablando se entiende la gente...or so they say... I am a COMMUNICATOR. Hence the Blog. I share. It all. Sometimes too much. Oh well. Life goes on and I am happy with my accumulated communications skills. These words, these expressions have gotten me through a lot, have taught me a lot and have allowed me to move about the Blog world and meet new people, specifically Momma Bloggers who are just such a great and learning impact in my life.
{Deliveries} Like my Bloggy friend; Julia over at Black Tag Diaries, who by the way hosts this here LINK UP, stated in her post about V~day. It's different for married people. I couldn't think of what to give Ricardo for Valentine's day as I mentioned he's not into gifts, at least not out loud! So, I finally thought of a gift. He has a job fair next week where he can meet potential life long employers and so aside from prayer I think he need a little good luck so I "created" a good luck charm for him. I will get it all together and post a picture next week. Part of it was delivered today. I love deliveries. They are so exciting. It's like, you know what you are expecting but still the anticipation of actually receiving is so...well... exciting! {I am also waiting on a book from his favorite Pastor; Dr.Tony Evans}
{Birthday's} Today was my Mother-in-Law's Birthday! {Feliz CumpleaƱos to her!}It just made me think about life. What a great way to remember that we are here for a reason and a purpose. That God created us for that reason and purpose. And, every year we celebrate our lives for a reason and a purpose. I love that! God is so great. Amazing how He knew that days of the year wear you down and can make you forget those reasons and that purpose, so once a year you are reminded...you are here..alive, .purposely created for His reason! {I think...}
{Forgetfulness ::as I forget what I was about to write::} Today I went to Target; as I do most days {Ha.} and I was looking for a sweater for Camila, well I couldn't find one. That prompted me to look for one at home. I had forgotten that I had a bin of clothes that I set aside months ago as clothes that fit Camila too big. I went to the closet and what do you know? A WHOLE NEW WARDROBE for my little growing baby. That was a nice little surprise. Everything in the bin fit her PERFECTLY. I love it when I forget but then again I hate it... all this time looking for a good sweater for her and I had plenty! Maybe I forgot about a few extra bucks somewhere...let me go look... {HA.}
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