Wednesday, June 3, 2015

::The Word...Millennial::

What does it mean to be a Millennial Mom?

I don’t think I ever saw myself as a Generation X member until a few months ago.  The word didn’t really resonate with who I thought I was. Surely the word meant overachieving and highly accomplished. Here I was “just a Mom”. I knew of the impact that some young 30-something year-old's had not only in my personal life but in many aspects of life in general; technology, medicine, and yes; marketing and social media. But, didn’t see how I could be considered a part of this group.

First off, I never imagined myself a Mom in my 30’s. I pictured my life very much like the ladies from Sex and the City. I know so cliché of my generation. But, being a high powered career woman in charge of her life doesn’t seem so bad these days. I knew marriage might be in my future and children, sure why not? It wasn’t until September 16, 2009 when my son was born, that I realized that this was it. My career and life would make what I think has now become a complete 360. A rebirth if you will.

And, as I sit and reflect on this word and what it means to me I can’t help but think of the generations before me and how as a Mexican-American Mom, I have some pretty big shoes to fill. My Mother and Grandmother didn’t have a lot of the advantages or resources that the last decade or so have brought forth and at the same time those “advantages” bring on new challenges as a 30-something year old mom. For me one challenge has been learning to incorporate traditional advice and methods of raising children while considering and combining them with new research and more current techniques to create the same or a better outcome.  I aim to motivate my children to be educated and hardworking respectful children who will one day be fully functional and well-adjusted adults. Another challenge is the aspect of deciding to be a stay-at-home mom which is a difficult feat or making the sacrifice of leaving your children in the care of someone else to become a career mom. Either one has its pro and cons.

I believe that technology has created a new sense of community with moms, not only in our home town but around the world, which allows me to seek new methods of parenting. The world today has created an openness and awareness that maybe wasn’t there in years before. These days the internet being in every device we can hold gives us an easier and faster way of obtaining information needed in our everyday lives as new Moms and Dads. Some may see these as not the best resource but when you might not have anyone else to turn to it creates a great source of information.

Aspirations and the what if’s of life now revolve around my children, their well-being and our future as a family. The word Millennial is starting to grow on me and who I am, an accomplished and overachieving Mom. I aim high, not only in my personal outcomes but in those of my family. These days the word inspires me to provide for my family as a career woman while attempting to keep the traditional and cultural aspects of my up-bring within our own home.  

Being a Millennial Mom to me means taking advantage of the new resources and communities created while keeping traditions and morals alive in our home in the same way that our Mama’s and Abuelita’s did years ago.

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