Wednesday, December 16, 2009

~Praise and Worship Wednesdays~

So, as I stated before this upcoming year I want my Faith to further grow and I want to learn more about myself and the conflict that is within more than anything.

Today, I started a Wednesday fast with my co-worker, where I will attempt to control my body through prayer. It’s been easy so far, I have been in prayer all morning and listening to my Christian/Gospel music. Now more than ever I need peace. I need strength to help support my family in their time of need. No one else will matter; God will guide me and give me the strength I need. My favorite Psalm has always been number 27. I have it tattooed into my brain and to my liking I recite it in Spanish.

Salmos 27

Salmo de David.

1 El Señor es mi luz y mi *salvación;

¿a quién temeré?

El Señor es el baluarte de mi vida;

¿quién podrá amedrentarme?

2 Cuando los malvados avanzan contra mí

para devorar mis carnes,

cuando mis enemigos y adversarios me atacan,

son ellos los que tropiezan y caen.

3 Aun cuando un ejército me asedie,

no temerá mi *corazón;

aun cuando una guerra estalle contra mí,

yo mantendré la confianza.

For me, Prayer has always been more powerful and spoken to me more in Spanish than in English. I like to pray over others in English but when I read from my Bible I use the Spanish version. It captures my heart and takes a hold of my soul. Without it my life would be chaos.

Last week I outlined 3 situations her e are some updates:

1. Dealing with a difficult person. In all these people are also going through a trying time. Whether it’s figuring out where they belong or WHO they belong to; if to the Lord or to this World. All we can do is pray for them so right now I will dedicate a prayer to my adversaries. Nothing more.

“Dear Lord I pray that these people with troubled souls seek You and find You. That You can bring humbleness into their hearts and release any fears that they may have. That they stop sheltering their insecurities by placing others in ridicule. That if they are truly Yours then they will stop speaking about You in vain. And, dear God that you may Bless them, MORE than you have Blessed me, so that they can focus on their lives and no one else. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen”

2. Forgiving. This time of year calls for nothing but forgiveness. Life is too short to hold a grudge and God will decide what others deserve not me. So, I am forgiving others as they forgive me. Nothing else matters right now. Nothing.

3. Decision Making. God has shaped me into a Faithful and God trusting Catholic woman and that is what I do…trust that the Lord has guided my heart into the right direction and that the choices I make will not hinder but lift my family up in His Grace and His Love. I praise God for all that He has given me in my 28 years and know that this is only the beginning.

Please continue to pray for me:

“Daily Dose of Wisdom,” please send your request to for immediate addition.

“Proverbs 31 Ministries”

“Purpose Driven Life”

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