Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who am I....really?

If you've been reading...you would know that I am on a little Lent journey... it's kind of hard because I am not really able to fast since I am super pregnant...but I have been reading my Lent devotionals and Mom Devotional Bible.... so I have slowly been thinking and reflecting...

This week starts the count down to what will be a new and exciting journey for me..one that my Blog now wears the name...Momma of Dos.

As I sit and think..and reflect not only on the Blessings that God has continuously given me and the amount of times that He has not only shown me Love and forgiveness but also the amount of Grace, Understanding and light He has shed on me the last couple of months..I am reminded of WHO I AM.....

I want to once more share this, in hopes of creating a better more Faith filled me.....

First off I am:

Daughter of our All Mighty Lord
A Faith follower
A Holy Believer
A Jesus Freak!
I love God and His Love for me

Secondly I am:

A devoted and Faithful Wife
A devoted and Loving Mother (soon to two amazing Blessings)
A daughter/supporter to my parents
A sister/friend to my siblings
A cousin, sister in law, extended family member to my family and my husband's family
A sister in Christ/friend to my amazing friends and Women of Faith
An employee and co-worker to my job


I am a craft-er
I am an idea spinner
I am an action taker (in my eyes..ACTIONS speak LOUDER than WORDS! Everyone can talk...but not many actually DO!)
I am a thinker
I am a believer
I am a Blogger
I am a reader
I am a knowledge and truth seeker
I am a girly girl
I am educated (GO COOGS!)
I am active
I am a doer
I am happy
I am Blessed
I am filled with joy and light
I want to SHINE
I am a Faith seeker...

With all of that said...

Who are you?


Casey Ayala (DreamTree Photography) said...

You forgot to mention AH-MAZING!

Connie Leon said...

You are so silly Casey! :D But Thank You!!! :D