Friday, April 15, 2011

Got Milk? Again.

So, I have been working on this post for days now, but am just now getting around to it {Hopefully my kids stay asleep long enough for me to think}. 
When I had Santi, I was a newbie. Everything seemed impossible and too many people had too many opinions. 

Well this time around it was different. I am now a Mom, with my own opinion and experience therefore Breastfeeding came as second nature to me. I love it. 

With my son, both him and I were quickly frustrated and even though I was able to Breastfeed him for about 3 months, it wasn't enough. I wasn't satisfied. But, my body just didn't produce enough milk, yes, I have B.M.E {BreastMilkEnvy}!

Well Thankfully this time my daughter and I have both been more patient and the milk seems to be there...enough, I don't  know but I am doing supplement feedings and she is gaining weight very well. I just hope I can keep up the breastfeeding even after I go back to work. 

It's a lot of work to be a Mom, a Wife, an Employee and BREASTFEED but I think I can do it this time not just for my daughter's health but for self purpose as well.

If you are having trouble with Breastfeeding, click on the word to a great resource! Every little bit of advice and support helps! 

Again, I have a great support system and it all begins with my Husband! 

Have a great weekend!!

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