Friday, August 26, 2011

{32 Yrs. 32 Reasons?}

My Husband is 23 today! Oh sorry...typed that really fast..I meant...32...YAY!

I have written about him and his love HERE and HERE...and probably many other places as well.

Our True Love story is written here:

Ricardo is to others...nothing of what he is to me...or in person. {If that makes any sense?!}

Here are 32 reason why I love him {there are surely many many more}:

1. He makes me laugh ::LIKE NO OTHER::
2. He loves me for me.
3. We have TWO beautiful children {who look like him!}
4. He is strong {in front of others}
5. He is humble {at all times}
6. He tells me EXACTLY how it is..NOT exactly what I want to hear!
7. He is REAL.
8. Unknowingly he is Godly.
9. Purposely he is Faithful.
10. Lovingly he is mine.
11. He cooks!
12. He is too smart..for his own good...
13. He is family oriented.
14. He loves doing..just about anything fun!
15. He is supportive!
16. He lifts me up even when I don't want to hear it.
17. He sets me straight when needed.
18. He communicates with me! AT ALL TIMES. OR WHEN IT REALLY MATTERS.
19. He is not scared to speak his mind.
20. He is independent and dependant..when they are needed and where they are needed..if that makes sense!
21. He doesn't scare easily {hence the standing up to my father for so many years and finally marrying me}
22. He doesn't get pushed around {even by me}
23. He is his own person {ALWAYS!}
24. He loves to dance! {and music!}
25. He doesn't mind holding my purse or now diaper bag! {He is still manly while he does it.}
26. He encourages me to move forward!
27. He has helped build my dreams!{ all of them.... and is now helping me accomplish them, hence the supportive part}
28. He helps me care, provide and discipline our children. {all are very important, I think as parents we should be on the same page about it all.}
29. He is a very hardworking person.
30. He does the dishes when I really don't want to.
31. He hugs me and holds me when I am sad.
32. No matter what, he keeps our mutual family and individual goals in mind at all times before making ANY big do I!

I love HIM! {Always and Forever...after....}

Happy Birthday to my HubChub!!!!

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