Friday, March 2, 2012

{Thankful March} ♥

As part of a way to improve in March and make it a GREAT month. I decided to start this March challenge from one of the most beautiful Blogs on my daily Blog list, A Holy Experience. Often Ann's posts require me to be fully aware and in the presence of God because her writing is so profound and inspiring. It's a challenge in this busy noisy world. I enjoy the challenge though it helps bring me closer to God in that noisy silence and busy stillness.

I am behind one day so here is my March from yesterday and then my March from today... my March around the circle of Christ. I love it.

{Day 1}
3 at 3pm:
by 3pm, I was thankful for a Husband who works late {because he is conscious about  providing for our little family} , a Momma who goes along for the ride {because no matter where I ask her to accompany me to,she does and is such a riot about it}, and for a sister who is understanding {because when my Momma and I are on mission she doesn't think twice about it and helps my Momma with her afternoon errands}.
And, I MARCH on...
{Day 2}
3 green:
today I was thankful for these 3 green gifts from God; Post-It's{neon green that is, I opened a new pack of them for my desk at work...I love Post-It's they are the best thing known to man-kind and God gift to me today, on them I write His word, I write His love notes to my soul and they linger as constant reminders of the Blessings in my life, always.}, dried leaf once green {this morning as we walked out the front door my Santi asked me, "mom what’s that?", it was a dried leaf once green dragged in from the outside, nature, God's most amazing gifts to me my Husband takes us to the park often and nature is of a God a true gift}, salad {for lunch a good friend and his girlfriend, an equally amazing friend took me to lunch... the company and my all veggie salad from Chipotle on this Lenten Friday were a great combination, just what my soul needed... good friends and good food!}

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