I haven't been a Stay@HomeMomma for long! But, I will be the first to admit, it's been a difficult transition to make but I am finally getting the hang of it all.
One thing that I struggled with was keeping my Dos {Two} Toddlers busy! Busy so that they can use up their brain and physical energy and not drive me bonkers!
The last few months have been cold which has been my other challenge!
Here are my TOP 5 Favorite Indoor Activities:
{Finger Painting}
Yes, it will get messy and yes, you will need to plan to do a lot of cleaning afterward, but it's fun their creations are awesome and a great insight into their little magical growing brains! The best part is asking them afterward, what is that? The answers are the best!
Here are some of Santi's creations! {one thing you should know about Santiago is he has a very active and wild imagination.. his pretend play sometimes goes above and beyond anything we can think of and he is quick to improvise...he has made his Lil'Sister catch on to this and she too runs wild..it's so much fun to see.}

{Puzzles & Coloring Books}
Another fun and easy indoor activities includes puzzles and colors! You can't go wrong with word building or alphabet puzzles you are slowly teaching your kids some pretty basic vocabulary and/or numbers. You can't go wrong with these.... And, who doesn't like to color, if my kids are eating the crayons they are coloring and it keeps them pretty busy! Be prepared for coloring on the walls, floors and tables though... we have proof of our kids creative mind in the hallway, in the bathroom and on our kitchen table. No worries, crayon washes out... the memories they are building will last a life time....
{Pretend Play}
The kids have their rooms and living room as their toy/play area. Nothing is really off limits and there are no real restrictions when it comes to how they play or where they play. YES we stay away from dangerous objects and chemicals, but they are pretty much allowed to play all over the house... yes it's tiring, yes it's never ending..but my kids will only be this old for so long... and when I go back to work they will have to be limited to the pretend play at school and I really don't mind the mess, until company comes over then I run to clean it all up!
My kids are also very gender neutral, Santi plays with Cami's toys and Cami plays with Santi's toys. Distinctions are only made to assure that Camila gets her fair share of toys! Ha. They are allowed to explore and ask endless questions... I try to answer them all the best way possible... It's fun to see their reactions and to hear their questions.

Our home library is not very extensive but we enjoy those few books that we have and we are yet to try story time at a Public Library or Book Store, I know my children very well, their attention span and ability to get wild in public. For now we will stick to our at home reading time and I know that they are capturing lots of words and a lot of their imagination from them. I think we are doing pretty good and in the mean time I will try to expand our selection...

{Movie Time}
This is probably my favorite activity throughout the day... MOVIE TIME! I get to sit for at least half an hour until one of the kids gets bored... and if I am lucky, one of the two, or BOTH of the kids will fall asleep and I get to really rest, only for a little while. Otherwise it's fun to share a spot on the couch with the kids and just sit quietly after a long day. Santiago is better these days at watching movies, or Netflix shows. Cami is still working on her attention span. She'd rather be chatting away about anything really.
{Soon....Outdoor Activities}
Hey girl! Yes! These are all great pasttimes for kids! I do all of the above, but might I add playdoh playing as well? My kids LOVE it! Jassy is 9, Johnny is 5, and Emma is 3, and I have them all sit together at their table and play. Jassy obviously needs more help (because of her disabilities), Emma has to be watched bc shes the smallest and hopefully doesnt eat it or get it stuck on the floor, and Johnny does great with it without too much adult supervision although he likes being watched for attention (like my other 2)! LOL Also, if Im cooking, I let my kids watch and/or help throughout the process. They really enjoy that as well!!!
Yes, We have tried playdoh, we end up throwing it out after one use..it get everywhere or eaten..lol.. maybe in a year or so they will do better... but they do love it...and yes when I cook recently they have taken interest... lol! Thanks for your comment!!!! :D
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