Her goals along with questions from other aspiring Bloggers about writing and blogging got me thinking about what the basics of Blogging are as well as how I got started and what keeps me going!
Here are some of the questions that I have come across in the last year and those answers I feel are relevant:
How long have you been Blogging?
Really I have always blogged, I have always been a journal writing kind of gal. Then MySpace provided a platform for Blogging. And, I used it. A lot. Then in 2008, I found Heather Armstrong and WordPress. I started my blog as a space for practicing my writing and when I became pregnant it became a little more. Then in 2009 I switched to Blogger, fell in love and in 2011 I became Momma of Dos!
Will you change the name of your Blog if you have another baby?
Most likely, not too different I have a creative change in mind though! Not really take away who I am but more like add to it. Ha. If that makes sense... But, that's a BIG HUGE maybe right now. It's also the main reason I have not switched over to an actual domain site. Waiting.
Where do you get your ideas?
Honestly, if my post is not a paid or sponsored post where the company has assigned a topic, then most my topics come from real life. Things my kids do, things my Mexican family does, food we cook and things we do or feel as a family and individuals. And, a little behind the scene work comes from my Hubby! My Hubby will not admit it but if we are out and about or doing something with the kids he will say... "You should blog about this!" or "Here is a Blog topic for you...." He really is a huge contributor and inspiration on this here blog!
I also am a part of several Blogger groups and follow a ton of other fellow Amazing, Motivating and Inspiring Bloggers and have created some post based on others feedback and questions like these!
How do I change the design of my Blog?
Way back when I had time, I created my own headers and coded my own designs but these days I have to pay someone to help me out; my most recent help has come from Olivia Smith a local Blog designer she exhibits her work over at http://livysmithdesigns.com/ . That is one thing I am passionate about is using local resources! But, there are several others that I love! I have to compile a list. My good friend Ruby from GUBLife and her Hubby have very unique blog designs, you can visit her design site here: http://www.rubysdesignstudio. com/
How do I increase my Social Media following?
I started by using those FB pages that said, follow so many and we will follow you back. But, you quickly realize that, that's not your real audience. They just follow you because they want to gain followers. I gained a lot of followers that way but stopped. What has worked best for me is sharing everywhere! On my personal FB, on Twitter, on Instagram! I ask people to join me on my journey and many do and those that do, well they read and follow my post in the most amazing and loyal way!
I also share in various like-minded Blogger groups that I belong to and they follow. There is a feature on your FB fanpage where you can ask people to "like" your page, I do that a lot. Along with creating FB groups of my own! And, yes sharing!! I am sure I become annoying to some, but I love blogging and the goal is to share some will join you, others will not and that's okay too!
How do you find your niche?
Honestly this is an on-going journey for me; while I started as a "MommaBlogger" with personal post and online journaling just to keep track of my family. My Blog has slowly evolved to a Lifestyle & Parenting Blog with a mix of culture, food and now fitness! I love writing so I don't think I will ever stop trying to create new topics! My goal is be a relate-able Momma for all audiences. I am not perfect. Life is not perfect and I don't just want to be a Momma who writes, I want to be a Momma who inspires and motivates action!
Jon Acuff is another Author who truly inspires me and motivates me to push forward! He said it best this morning!
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Picture snagged from Jon Acuff's FB page :) |
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