Friday, August 5, 2011

Finding Friday {&Suggestion Saturday}


One more NEW Feature to cross off my Momma Goals for this Blog!!

Here are some of my "cool finds" for the week:

I held on to a lot of my lil'daddy's{for newcomers that's what we call my son} clothes and just items from when he was baby just in case I have another boy and for sentimental value. Well the clothes and shoes I think look super cute on my lil'momma {for newcomers that's what we call my daughter}and well here is a picture of an old find that I think looks super cute on her!!!

They are chanclas from Cuernavaca, Mexico that my Grandmother brought back for my son when I was still pregnant.

Also in this picture is my new find for the week. This little thingamajig is quite handy when leaving the house. It's a powdered milk dispenser. I found it at my FAV store TARGET for about 4 bucks. It's worth it!

Also, while I was out at the local CVS, I found a really good deal on a round brush. I have the worse curly hair ever and I NEED a round brush in my everyday life. The one I had was OLD and the other day I had to save it from the mercy of my almost 2 year old, as he chunked it into the toilet. Don't worry I am so cool I caught it in the air! ::HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF::  Oh yeah and the brush was only $1.24! It was on sale for $4.24 and I got $3 back in a coupon! Pretty cool, huh?!

Did you find something cool this, week??

.....if so FEEL FREE TO SHARE!

{BTW, I don't get ANY type of compensation for doing reviews or promoting stores and sales...It's just for fun!}

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